B:SM collaborates on the postgraduate programme of Smart Mobility of the UPC


Te municipal company will provide teaching staff and most of its activity will be studied in the course: the electric Bicing project, apparkB or the areaDUM app

It is a unique postgraduate course in Spain, which provides students global, strategic and technological vision for the management of Smart Cities and Smart Mobility

Barcelona de Serveis Municipals collaborates with the Polytechnic University of Catalunya on the postgraduate programme of Smart Mobility. As a result of this cooperation, most of B:SM’s activity will be object of study, such as the electric Bicing project, apparkB and areaDUM and final project to the students will be presented. Furthermore, Òscar Puigdollers, chief of the Studies and R+D+i unit will be part of the faculty of the postgraduate.
It is the third edition of the course, which has become a pioneer in Spain, being the unique programme that teaches management of Smart Cities and Smart Mobility. The course begins the 20th of February- Check out more information about it in www.talent.upc.edu.