A Sumatran tiger, new inhabitant of the Zoo


He is an 8-year-old named Tibor and comes from the Edinburg Zoo

Barcelona Zoo has welcomed a new Sumatran tiger coming from the Edinburg Zoo as told by the European Endangered Species Programme (EEP). His hame is Tibor and he is 8 years old. After an adaptation period and the usual veterinary controls, he will share his new home with Pertama, the female Sumatran tiger living currently in the Zoo.

Tibor’s right eye was injured when he was a baby. Despite the effort of the veterinarians, the wound resulted in glaucoma he had to have his eye removed a fact that has not been an inconvenient for being accepted by the Zoo.

Tigers are the largest feline in the world, although Sumatran subspecies is the smallest of them all. It is critically endangered, and listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature red list, as it is calculated that there are only between 400 and 700 individuals in the world.